Since it's inception in June, 1990, the OTC BB has grown in leaps and bounds.  Average daily dollar
    volume peaked in 2000 at over 400 million, up from 13 million in when they began requiring timely fillings
    with the SEC to remain listed.  At that point there were over 6000 issues on the bulletin board and 3000 of
    them were removed   Since it's inception in June, 1990, the OTC BB has grown in leaps and bounds.  to
    comply with the new standards.  Since then the number of issues has continued Average daily dollar
    volume peaked in 2000 at over 400 million, up from 13 million in to grow just as dollar volume and the
    number of transactions per day has grown.  1991.  The OTC BB had no eligibility requirements or listing
    standards until 1999 Dollar volume has more than doubled since 2001.  Average daily share volume is
    now above a billion and there are over 3500 issues that meet listing standards.  What is interesting to note
    is that as this market has become more concentrated, volume has increased.  Over 90% of this volume
    comes from the top 300 issues.  We see an emerging market right here in the U.S. as well as improved
    and more reliable quotation instruments.  The tiny effort made by the SEC in 1999 to improve quality had a
    huge impact and we look for continued interest from regulatory authorities and new investors.

The NASDAQ and S&P futures can be powerful tools to watch for market
    direction.  Don't forget to watch them all day to see any inclination of strength or weakness.  Arbitrage
    players control the difference between the futures and cash markets after figuring dividends and interest
    that could have been earned.  Don't try to play the arbitrage game as it's already been played out, instead
    use these markets as additional indicators.

Don't forget to watch the volatility measures that monitor whether the market is scared or not.  The VIX for
listed stocks and the VIN for the NASDAQ typically move inversely to the overall market.  Watch for
discrepancy's, like the market moving up, while the VIX stands still or moves up a little could be a sign of
more consolidation to come.  As the volatility indices move up, people are increasingly bearish causing
fantastic buying opportunities.  Don't think that these measures do not apply to the OTC BB, in fact volatility
is what it's all about.
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